Unlimited Tags

Tags are very useful for marking your notes or lists into one or multiple categories, making it easier to find them later using these tags.
Our free version allows you to create one tag, while the premium version lets you create two tags.
The professional version removes all limitations, allowing you to create an unlimited number of tags.


Subfolders add a new level of organization, enabling better grouping of notes and lists within folders.
The free and premium versions support folders, but do not include subfolders.
The professional version introduces subfolders, offering advanced organization for your content.

Full Calendar Navigation

The new calendar allows users to visually locate notes by date and create new notes on a selected date.
Free and premium versions restrict calendar navigation to 30 days into the past or future.
The professional version unlocks full calendar navigation, providing unrestricted access to all available dates.

Filter By Attachments

All app versions allow you to enhance your notes with attachments, including photos, videos, audio recordings, sketches, files, and GPS locations, along with optional remarks for added clarity.
While basic attachment support is available in the free and premium versions, they lack advanced capabilities for filtering and searching through attachments.
The professional version introduces the groundbreaking "Filter By Attachment" feature, letting you search notes by any attachment type or combination—such as GPS locations or both audio and images. You can even filter notes by keywords in attachment remarks. As the most requested and suggested feature by our users, this tool is designed to significantly improve note management, making it a must-try addition for anyone seeking ultimate productivity.

Undo All Changes At Once

In the free and premium versions, users can undo typing and formatting changes step by step, which can be time-consuming for multiple edits.
The professional version introduces the "Undo All Changes At Once" feature, which reverses all typing and formatting changes in just one click. This feature saves time and effort, making large-scale corrections quick and seamless

No Ads - More Workspace

Backup & Restore to Google Drive

Unlimited Attachments

Unlock All Fonts

Unlock All Color Themes

Unlock Folder Colors

Unlock All Pushpins

Sort List Items

Use Punctuation in Speech

Auto Replace Speech Templates

Selected Reading

Modify Speech (Read Aloud) Speed

Note Editor Background Image

Adjust Spectrum Visualizers

Customize Home Screen Widgets

Navigate All Marked Locations

Direction Between Marked Locations

Hide Editor Toolbar

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